Saturday, 23 April 2011


What's the point of killing yourself over what is a small
problem? Why blow something so little into something 
so large that you take your own life? Don't they under-
stand how much they are hurting their friends, family,
fellow classmates, anyone who has encounter with them.
Why is it if someone breaks up with you it's the end of
the world? When someone hurts you? These problems
can be fixed over time, but you don't give it a chance,
you can show these people you are better then them,
you give them this power to take advantage of you.
I know school, relationships, family, etc.. put a strain
on all of us but are those reasons to end your life?
They say if you live through the hard times you only
become stronger, more independent to the point where
what happened to you in the past is gone, that you carry
on and teach others of your experiences. Every life is 
precious and if someone out there is bullying another
person or hurting them, you should be the people who 
feel guilty, stay up all night, and be haunted by these
people for what you have put them through, and if
they kill themselves I believe you need to pay for 
hurting that individual and their family... 
For anyone who ever has thoughts of committing
suicide your not alone, you should talk to someone
about the problems and most people understand what
your thinking. I've lost a friend because of suicide and I never
want anyone else to go through that pain. So before you
do it think twice about what your life can be in a few
years from now, because we may not be able to change
our past but we sure can change our future with what
we do in the present. 

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