Friday 4 October 2013

You Yourself, Deserve Your Love And Affection, As Much As Anybody In The Entire Universe - Bhudda

I realize this, that in order to be happy you must always be happy with oneself. To receive positive energy
in your life you must always radiate a positive attitude regardless of what else may have happened in the past.  
You should always know your own self worth, before you put anyone else's desires into your life. 
If you want to be content with yourself always think about yourself first and the others in your life without
feeling your forgetting about yourself, or becoming consumed with another's life. Being happy with yourself 
is a reward in itself. We all deserve to be happy with who we are as a person, and no one ever has the right
to take that feeling away from you. 

- You Yourself, Deserve Your Love And Affection, As Much As Anybody In The Entire Universe - Buddha