Thursday 6 February 2020

Nana ❤️️

I feel pain, confusion, hurt, guilt, truly emotionally fucked!
A complete loss of words, my thoughts always drifting back to you, 
realizing how much time I missed with you, but in our short time
the life lessons you've taught me are irreplaceable. I will never forget
when you taught me how to breathe correctly, to the bone crushing handshakes
I've endured since childhood... you made me stronger and now I always do that 
to my friends remembering you. All the times you scared me into memorizing 
my time tables. You gave all your grandchildren your sense of wanderlust, exploring 
the world, I always wished I could have gone on adventures with you. But 
every adventure I have you will always be there with me. 
I cannot express how grateful I am that I was with you in those final days, hours, 
minutes, seconds... by your side. You chose to have me with you and I will
always be strong for you and the family but especially myself. 
I love you! and you will always be in my heart.